
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Slave to None

"Everything is permissible- but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible- but not everything is constructive." 1 Corinthians 10:23 NIV
Apparently God was really wanting me to get this verse, as I have been hit with it a couple of times over the last 2 days.  Now this is not a new verse to me, as a matter of fact I have put it on my fridge in the past to use as a motivation.  However, it is really not something I have thought much about until the last couple of days.  I think that people who are not Christians, sometimes think that to be a Christian you have to be a perfect human who never does anything wrong and sits at home reading their bible, never has fun, and is completely boring.  However, I think that is the complete opposite of what God has intended for us.  After all, he is the one who created our sense of humor and desire to have fun.  He doesn't want us to be so caught up in the legalism that many churches and denominations want to place on us, that we never actually do anything that he has intended for us to do.
As you know, right now I have been seeing everything through a lens of treating my body more like the temple that it is suppose to be.  This verse is the absolute perfect verse for anyone who struggles in the area of their health.  Everything is permissible- sure you can have that chocolate cake, fresh donut, or giant Dr. Pepper, but is it beneficial?  Will you lose your salvation because you ate a Hershey bar?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  Will you lose the ability to fit in those skinny jeans because you ate a Hershey bar?? Probably not, as long as it isn't a daily occurrence.  However, bad choice after bad choice in the area of what we eat do add up (the number on my scale and size of my jeans are proof of that).
"Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things).  Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power." 1 Corinthians 6:12 AMP.  
 God wants us to enjoy our lives, but he doesn't want us to be slave to anything.  If you can't say no to a Snickers bar ever time you go through the line at the grocery store, you are probably slave to it.  If you can't go a day without a Coke, you are probably a slave to it.  God is not sitting in heaven writing out a list of rules for us so that every time we fall short (which for me is A LOT) he can put another tally on his naughty list or throw a lightening bolt at us.  He created us and loves us just as I love my own child (probably even more).  Just like I tell my daughter "NO" when she reaches for the hot stove to protect her from burning her hand, God sets up boundaries to protect us.  When it comes to living a healthy life, I am slowly learning what my boundaries are.  The best thing is, that my boundaries may be different from yours.  God knows our weaknesses and our strengths.  If we listen to the promptings of his Holy Spirit (and it does take time to learn to do that, I am still learning), we will always be guided in the right direction.  Even in the area of our physical body.  Like I said God created this physical body, my guess is that he knows much better than me how to take care of it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Now What?

So now that my 24 day challenge is over, what is my next step?  I sure don't want to give up all of the progress I have made so I am going to keep working toward my goal.  I have ordered my supplies for another max phase, which I should get probably Monday or Tuesday.  I think my biggest focus right now is getting enough water.  The rule of thumb during the challenge is to take your weight and divide it by 2 and whatever number you come up with is the number of ounces of water you should be drinking each day.  Although I did pretty good on trying to hit that number every day, I definitely could have done better.  I plan on getting a big container with a label on it that tells how many ounces and just keep that in the fridge so that I will know exactly how many ounces I have drank.  

Right now I am 17 pounds from my original goal (which is exciting), so I decided to steal an idea for motivation that I found on Pinterest.  Miss Thang and I went out walking and gathered up 17 rocks that are going to represent the 17 pounds I have left to lose.  I went to the dollar store and got 2 glass containers and labeled them with a permanent marker.  I plan on moving a rock to the "Lost" cup every time I lose another pound.  Crazy as it may be, that kind of stuff motivates me ; ).
I have been pretty good in the last couple of days, I have hit 10,000 steps or more each day and have been watching what I eat.  I do have to confess, though, that we went out for my birthday tonight so I definitely splurged on the calories for the first time in quite a while!  

Monday, July 22, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 23

I have heard that when it comes to losing weight, it helps to have an accountability partner.  Mine just happens to only be 1 1/2 (see picture above ; ).  However, she is by far one of the best accountability partners I could have asked for.  This little firecracker absolutely loves being outside.  One of her favorite things to do is get in the stroller and go for a walk.  If I just say lets go for a walk she grabs her hat and heads for the door.  She goes stir crazy when she is inside for too long, regardless of how hot it may be outside.  This has been a huge help to me this summer because she holds me accountable to get off the couch and move.  We have walked miles and miles around our small town this summer.
Tonight I decided to get in some extra low-calorie protein in, since I didn't eat a protein at lunch, so I decided to make some breakfast for supper.  I haven't done that in a long time, although I really don't know why, since it is something quick and easy to do.  We had some omelets, toast, and hash browns.  It was really good and pretty low in calories.  Definitely need to do the breakfast at night more often!!!
Even though there is only one more full day left of my official challenge, I plan on continuing what I have been doing.  I think I am going to do another max phase (the 2nd half of the challenge, you can only do the cleanse phase once per 90 days).  I will probably start that next week.  I am really going to try to keep up the momentum that I have had going so that I can hit my goal before school starts.
It has been a lot of fun doing this challenge, and I have really learned a lot.  I am amazed every time I read my Bible right now, as it seems like everything I read can be applied to my journey.  It is not a lie that the word of God is living and breathing.  It really does apply to ever single area of your life.  I encourage you to seek God in every area of your life.  It has never really occurred to me until about the last year or 2 how much God wants to be involved in everything we do, even trying to lose weight.  I encourage you to dig into the Bible and find out for yourself!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Days 21 and 22

As you know I kinda had a tough day on Friday as far as eating too many carbs.  Well, that carried somewhat into Saturday.  I wasn't bad on the food on Saturday but had a pretty crummy attitude.  I was pretty short with the hubby and was having one of those "I-am-ready-to-be-done-losing-weight" days.  The worst thing was, that the hubby was in a bad mood for part of the day too...never a good combination.  We decided to play some Wii bowling after little Miss Thang went to bed, and that helped a bunch.  Sometimes you just need to do something fun to get your mind off of being frustrated!
So after my funk on Friday and Saturday, I decided to dig through my closet and pull out some of my college jeans that I haven't fit in since shortly after I got married (nearly 6 1/2 years ago).  Are you ready for this.....I  FIT INTO EVERY SINGLE PAIR!!!  Now, of course, I still have about 10 lbs to lose until I am ready to wear them in public, but I am stoked that they all fit again.  My choice of clothing has more than doubled over the summer, and not because I went shopping ; ).  I have for sure gone down 1 full pant size, nearly 2, which is Awesome!  That definitely made me feel better.  I officially have just over a month until school starts back up so I am really going to work hard to get rid of that 10 lbs.  I am hoping that by the time I go shopping for the new school year that I will be in a completely new size.
I haven't tried any new recipes over the last couple of days because I was in dire need to go grocery shopping (you know you need to go to the store when you are even out of peanut butter and ketchup).  I hit the grocery store today and now have supplies to cook again ; ).  
2 more days of my challenge, so I will be hitting it hard over the next couple of days.  Hoping when I weigh in and measure on Monday I will be pleasantly surprised.  I can already tell you, regardless of the numbers, I can't deny that my clothes are starting to fit much better!

Friday, July 19, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 20

Had a bit of a challenging day today, food wise that is.  I started off great drinking my meal replacement shake and taking a long walk.  However, my day went down hill from there.  Now that I have hit the end of the day and was looking over my food diary, I realize that I didn't get enough veggies today and had too many carbs : (.  My husband was not home tonight for supper, I never do very well when I don't have to cook a full meal.  I did manage to get a couple of good walks in and hit over 14,000 steps so hoping my not so good food day will be balanced out by the amount of exercise I fit in.  I realize that this is a process and I will have some good and bad days, but it is a bummer when you get to the end of the day and realize that you have messed up.
I think I have mentioned before that I really like the ministry called Intentional Living.  The focus of this ministry is to live your life in a very intentional way.  I decided to look up the actual definition of what intentional really means.  Here is what I came up with: "done on purpose; deliberate".  In order to live in an intentional way we really have to do things on purpose.  While walking today, I was thinking a lot about how I can apply this in my life.  When it comes to living a healthy life, I have to intentionally make good decisions; both on what I put into my body, as well as making sure that I am getting the exercise I need.  In my spiritual life, that means I have to intentionally carve out the time every single day to read and study my Bible.  In my marriage, that means being honest and in tune with my husbands needs, hopes, and even his frustrations.  In my professional life, this means making sure I am doing everything possible to help each and every student while still doing the things that my superiors ask of me.  All of those things sound great and easy in theory....but in the real world that can be hard.  We have to be intentional not just once, but time and time and time again.  I think that when we mess up, that is not grounds to give up.  We (and by we I mean me) have to really take those occasions and use them as a springboard to do better the next time.
The verses that come to my mind come from Matthew 18:21-22 where Peter is asking Jesus how many times you should forgive someone who sins against you.  Peter thought 7 times was a good number.  Jesus replies to him "Not seven times, but seventy times seven."  Although these verses are referring to forgiving others, I think they apply perfectly to the weight loss process.  "How many times Lord should I try to get healthy? Seven Times?"  I imaging that the answer would not be "Yeah seven sounds good, you can give up and grab the bag of Cheetos after that" ; )  What do you think?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 19

I am down to only 4 days left of my challenge (not counting is over).  I feel like I have done well and have really stuck to the plan.  Not sure how much weight I have lost (not weighing until Day 25), but I do know the inches are changing, which is really the most important thing if I want to fit back in those skinny jeans ; ).  I have been taking a supplement called Catalyst which is something you can take during the 24 day challenge which gives your body the amino acids it needs to help maintain lean muscle so that you will lose fat instead of muscle.  I received this picture of 5 lbs of fat compared to 5 lbs of muscle (see below) a couple of days ago, and I would much rather lose the fat....that is where you lose the inches...and get back into those skinny jeans!!  Now it makes sense to me how I have lost 10-15 lbs in the past and not even changed pant sizes...I must have been losing muscle rather than fat, how sad.

Thursdays are my Bible study days, so we always have a big potluck style meal.  I know that I will usually wind up eating more calories than on other days, so I have decided that I am really going to make an effort to get some extra exercise in on Thursdays.  Today I took Miss Thang on 2 walks which wound up totaling to just over about 4 miles according to my pedometer.  I still have my goal of 10,000 steps a day and today by the end of the day I hit 14,762 steps, or 6.26 miles, which is an all time record for me.  I always feel so much better when I actually get my exercise in (although Fat Becki would beg to differ, especially when she is feeling lazy ; ).  I also decided to bring my own dessert this week, since I struggled with the allure of hot brownies and no-bake cookies last week.  I made a Coke Cake, which is a recipe that I had originally learned about at my weight watchers meetings a couple of years ago, but have seen a resurgence of on Pinterest over the last couple of weeks.  It is super easy, yummy, and low I get my chocolate fix in ; ).

Coke Cake

1 12 oz can Diet Coke
1 box chocolate cake mix

Preheat oven according to directions on cake mix.  Combine Diet Coke and cake mix.  Cook about 5 minutes less than directed on cake mix.

***This recipe works for any diet drink or cake mix flavor.  If making a white or yellow cake I would use Diet 7-up***

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 18

I wasn't able to go for a walk yesterday due to a combination of rain and having to go to town for a dentist appointment (which are always loads of fun), so I made sure to take Miss Thang for a long walk today.  It was nice and cool due to the rain we have had the last 2 days, so it was perfect weather for a walk.  I usually just turn the music on my phone to shuffle whenever I walk, but today I decided to take advantage of the time and listen to one of my favorite preachers, Beth Moore.
On her website she has a weekly sermon that I like to listen to, but have not had a chance to over the last couple of weeks.  She has been doing a really good series about the book of Romans, so I decided to listen to that on my walk.  I figured I could listen to the past 2 sermons that I had missed, one on the way and the other on the way back, and that would give me a good hour long walk.  Like always, one of the things she was talking about really hit me.  She was talking about a verse in Romans 6 that says we must die to sin (Romans 6:11).  She made a statement about that verse that was so good.  She said "We must die to sin, sin doesn't die to us."  Wow!  I started thinking about it and it is so true.  Just because we become Christians doesn't mean that all of the sudden we have no urge to go on sinning.  Think about it, to die is not an easy process, or a fun one.  No matter what sin you are involved in (even if it is the sin of not treating your body as a temple, like me), you must die to that sin.  There is a process involved in that.   It will be uncomfortable sometimes, and a little inconvenient, but in order to really have victory you must go through that process.  I have been going through that process over the last several months, since I was first really convicted about it.  Beth also said that no matter how many times there is a no...God will ALWAYS have a yes when the time is right.  Good stuff!  (If you are interested in listening to Beth Moore click here, I encourage you to listen to the whole series on Romans it is really good)
I have done really good on my foods the last several days, I tried another good recipe tonight.  I made Beef Stew in the crockpot and it was really good.  The cooler weather made me crave some stew.  I also made some corn bread to go along with it.  Although it is a little higher in the carbs, I made sure to avoid high carb foods earlier in the day.  It was really not even much of a recipe since I used a seasoning packet, but I will put it anyways ; ).

Crockpot Beef Stew

1 lb stew meat
2 bags of frozen stew vegetables (or fresh ones if you are not lazy like me ; )
1 packet beef stew seasoning (make sure it is fairly low in sodium)
3 cups water

Place uncooked stew meat in bottom of the crockpot, cover with seasoning, put frozen veggies on top of meat, then cover with water.  Cook on low 8 hours.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 17

"So lets not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessings if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 NLT
I came across that verse the other night while I was reading, and it really seems to apply perfectly in my journey right now.   It is absolutely amazing to me how you can read a book or chapter of the Bible many times over and a verse won't stand out to you until the moment you need it.  No matter what trials you face in your life, God will guide you to just what you need if you just seek him.  I love this verse because just like when you plant a seed, it takes a while to see the fruit, and even longer to be able to harvest that fruit.  I know that if I continue doing the right thing I will get to my goal.
One of the things I am really trying to take note of during my journey is the little things I can do to make this more of a lifestyle than a diet.  I have mentioned a few: olive oil rather than vegetable oil, whole grain bread, reduced sodium table salt, ect.  I have also been a little more careful about actually measuring portions rather than "eyeballing it", although I do still need to get a kitchen scale so I can do that with my meat.
I tried another new recipe tonight and it was YUMMY!  I  made some chicken fajitas in the oven with homemade guacamole and homemade chips.  I have really liked finding easy, much more healthy recipes.  Although I have tried some that were flops (they were ones I didn't put recipes for ; ) I have also found a few good ones.  However, most of the recipes I have found I have tweaked a little to make them more healthy.
I am starting to feel a difference in my clothes so I know that the inches are changing.  I have decided to not weigh again until the end of my challenge, just so that I am not focused on daily fluctuations.   So far I have loved the 24 day challenge.  I have felt good, no crazy jitters or queasiness, and the Spark definitely gives me energy.  It has also not made me make drastic changes in my diet.  I don't have to eat only grapefruits or starve.  I did find a good snack mix that I really like.  It is called Simplicity Medley and it is unsalted almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds mixed with dried cranberries and blueberries...mmmmm.  Only problem is that my favorite part is the dried cranberries and I have picked almost all of them out of the bag : (.

Oven Chicken Fajitas

1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sliced in strips
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tsp chili powder
2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp reduced sodium salt
1 can rotel, partially drained
1/2 onion, sliced
5 sweet mini peppers, sliced (or you could use a couple of bell peppers, I just love the sweet mini ones)

Preheat oven to 400.  Mix oil and all seasonings in a small bowl.  In a 9x13 baking pan (sprayed first with non-stick spray) place chicken, onion, and pepper.  Pour your oil mixture and rotel into the pan and mix well.  Baked uncovered for about 30 minutes.

2 Minute Guacamole

2-3 ripe avacados, peeled and pitted
Your favorite salsa

In a food processor or a bowl, mix avacados and 2 to 3 tablespoons of your favorite salsa (add more salsa to taste, I just dump some in).  Enjoy!

Easy Homemade Tortilla Chips

Corn Tortillas
Reduced Sodium Salt
Non-stick cooking Spray

Preheat oven to 375.  Cut tortillas into fourths and place on pre-sprayed cookie sheet.  Spray the top of the tortillas and sprinkle with salt.  Bake about 10 minutes or until they are crisp.

Monday, July 15, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 16

I can't believe that we I have already reached day 16 of my challenge!  We have had a cool front come through yesterday afternoon so it has only gotten to the upper 70s today, which is awesome considering the 100+ temperatures we have been dealing with!  Me and Miss Thang took advantage of the awesome weather by spending most of the day outside and taking a couple of long walks.  
One of the things that I did about 6 months ago when I got real serious about dropping this baby weight (when your child turns 1 it is past time for the weight to go!) was to get a good pedometer.  I invested the money on a FitBit Pedometer and have loved it.  It is way more accurate than the walmart $5 specials I use to use, plus it tracks sleep patterns and syncs with myfitnesspal.  I am a very competitive person so seeing how many steps or miles I go in a day helps me to set goals for myself.   My goal has always been to hit 8,000 or more steps each day, and I have done fairly good at hitting that goal.  However, since I am really trying to get more exercise into my days I have upped my goal to 10,000 steps per day.  Today I took 2 fairly long walks and as I type this, my pedometer is showing 13,100 steps...that translates to just over 5 1/2 miles today!  I hope to keep this up over the next several days, while we have this nice cool weather.
I tried another new recipe tonight and it turned out pretty good.  I made some Cauliflower Cheese Sticks (see below for recipe), steamed veggies, and whole grain spaghetti and meat sauce.  The cheese sticks were pretty good (the hubby even got seconds), although the texture was a little different.  I have really tried to tweak some of my regular rotation meals in order to not feel like I have to eat only granola and carrot sticks.  So far it hasn't been too bad, although I definitely have to plan ahead a little more to make sure I have all the ingredients.  I have found that whole grain pasta is pretty good and I can't tell a difference between olive oil and vegetable oil or regular salt and reduced sodium salt.  It is amazing how easily you can cut a few calories by just substituting a couple of ingredients.

IMG_20130715_174712_974.jpgCauliflower Cheese Sticks

1/2 of a head of cauliflower, grated
1 egg white
1/2 tsp Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb
1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning
3/4 cup part-skim mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 350.  Put grated cauliflower in microwave for about 4 1/2 minutes to help soften it for easier mixing.  Mix cauliflower, seasonings, egg white, and 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese.  Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.  Spread mixture onto cookie sheet and bake for about 30 minutes.  Sprinkle remaining cheese on top of the mixture and bake another 10-15 minutes *
*If you like crispy bread like I do you can turn the oven to broil for a few minutes to make the top crispy*

Sunday, July 14, 2013

24 Day Challenge....Days 14 and 15

I officially survived my baby shower and wedding, which both happened on Saturday.  I did fairly well, especially considering the fact that I didn't have as much control over my food choices as I do when I am at home.  I was able to stick to only fruit at the baby shower which was good, I even turned down the cake.  We also ate at a restaurant and, after looking at my options, I chose a smoked chicken. That wasn't bad, except I did eat the potato salad that came with it and I am sure that probably wasn't the best choice...good thing there wasn't much of it.  I also didn't do too bad at the wedding.  They had a really good selection of foods so I was able to stick mostly to the veggies and salad.  I also turned down the wedding cake, but did eat a couple of chocolates (there is that weak spot again).
Today went much better because I was home and able to control my environment a whole lot better.  I have easily been getting plenty of protein, complex carbs, and fruit, but realized tonight when I sat down for supper that I had not eaten any vegetables so I wound up throwing in a make-shift salad.  I have definitely realized through this experience that even though I have been doing a fairly good job of sticking to a low calorie diet, I wasn't doing a good job of eating a balanced diet.  That has definitely been one of the things I have been impressed by through this challenge.  This is not a magic pill starvation diet.  One of the big things in the 24 day challenge is making sure you are getting adequate nutrition, I even have a checklist that tells me what types of foods I should be eating at different times of the day.  I have been taking the MNS supplements and have gotten in a pretty good habit of taking them at the correct times of day.
I have not been focusing on a scale number in this challenge (I am going to report an official number at the end), however, I did have a huge victory last night.  About 2 weeks or so before I made the decision to do the 24 day challenge, I had been digging through my closet looking at the section of jeans I have not worn since college (come on now I am surely not the only one who keeps jeans they can't wear ; ).  I found a pair that I use to wear all the time in college.  They were those favorite jeans that were kinda loose and super comfortable.  I thought I would try them on just to see if they would fit.  I was able to pull them on, which was a victory over where I started my weight loss journey, but they were about 3 inches from buttoning.  I tried those jeans on again last night and... drum roll... got them button and zipped!!!! Now by no means would I wear them in public yet, but now I have some tangible proof of my hard work!  So my new goal is to get into those jeans full time.  I would love to get that done in the next 10 days (which would be the end of my challenge AND the day after my birthday ; ) .  I am going to really have to step up my game.  I guess me and Miss Thang will be going on a few more walks...and I may have to throw some jogging in as well ; ).
Believe it or not, I am truly thankful for this journey.  I am really learning how to "die to self" and not give into my will every time I have a desire.   However, I did have a little disappointment today because I realized that I am officially 1 month away from starting back at work ; ).  I am loving the extra time I have had at home with Miss Thang!

Friday, July 12, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Days 12 and 13

I hit the halfway point of my challenge yesterday!!!  I have really been watching the quality of the foods I am eating now that I have a little more freedom.  Even though it was about 100 degrees today and yesterday, I managed to take Miss Thang on 2 walks each about 1 mile long yesterday and about a mile and a half walk today.  She keeps me accountable because she is always happiest when she is outside, and absolutely loves getting in her stroller and cruising around town.  However, confession time, I did wind up eating pizza (thin crust), a brownie, and a no bake cookie at my Bible study last night : (.  I have a weak spot for chocolate and cheese!  I did stay right around my calorie count for the day, but definitely felt the guilts a little.
I have been thinking the last couple of days about how jealous I am of those people who have never once had to think about a single thing they eat.  We all know some people like that, you know the ones, they eat nothing but Velveeta cheese, greasy fries, candy bars, and cokes and absolutely never gain even an ounce.  They typically wear a size no bigger than a 2 and seem to complain about being fat (we all know they are just fishing for the "you are so skinny" compliment, I am tempted to agree with the next skinny person I hear who says they are getting fat just to see what they would say).   Those people make me sick!  If I think about thinking about a chocolate bar, I seem to gain weight.  God has been really dealing with my jealousy in that aspect.  Everyone has their own battles, and just because we cannot physically see the issues that other people deal with...EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN PROBLEMS!
I was reading 1 Corinthians 10 last night and got smacked with a dose of reality.  1 Corinthians 10:12-13 NLT "If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall.  The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful.  He will not allow the temptations to be more that you can stand.  When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so you can endure."  Wow!  Talk about a humbling verse.  We all have our own temptations.  Mine is chocolate, but others may struggle with greed, alcohol, drugs, the need for approval, the list goes on and on.  Many of us have more than one temptation at different points in our lives.    Just because someone isn't struggling with the same thing I am doesn't me they don't have a different struggle.
The other thing that has come to my mind today is a story from 2 Corinthians 12.  It is where Paul is talking about the visions and revelations that he has received from the Lord.  He talks about how it would be so easy to boast and brag about everything God has shown him, but the Lord gave him a thorn in the flesh (perhaps in his thoughts or even some kind of physical pain) to keep him from becoming prideful.  I think that it is the same for all of us.  If nothing ever goes wrong or if we don't have any weaknesses in our lives, what point would their be in depending on God.  Who needs God when you are living a perfect life?  I know some of the darkest or bleakest points in my life have strengthened my relationship on God the most.  Sometimes we get lazy when everything is going well. We learn true dependence through our struggles.  When we let go of our lives and our own strength that is when God can really do his work through us.
Now, trust me, I am not trying to sound preachy or holier than thou in saying all that.  I am simply sharing what God has been showing me through my own struggles.  I will be praying for an extra measure of strength as I go into my weekend.  I will be attending both a baby shower and a wedding!  Pray for me ; )

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 11

Well, today was the first day of the Max Phase and I would say I did pretty good.  Like I said yesterday, during the Max phase there are no real restrictions on foods (aside from just not being a heifer and over indulging ; ).  I did go back to strictly using the my fitness pal app on my phone to track my calorie intake, if you bite it write it kind of thing.  I am also going to continue to try to stay away as much as possible from too much processed, fried, salty, or sugary stuff.  I have discovered I really like Stevia in the Raw and that will be my choice for sweetener rather than the Sweet and Low I have used in the past.  I did indulge my craving for cheese today by having a grilled cheese (don't worry, I used the weight watchers cheese and 45 calorie a slice whole grain bread) and it was yummy.
I was surprised to notice that I was a little more hungry today, and it donned on me that until tonight I hadn't had any protein since my meal replacement shake this morning.  It is crazy how much fuller you feel when you eat protein!  That is something I am going to try to do better on tomorrow.  I also learned a lesson about the meal replacement shakes.  I had my first one this morning, and after taking forever to stir it by hand and try to get the lumps out, I finally threw it in the blender.  I thought it would be good really cold so I threw quite a bit of ice in with it.   I was disappointed to find out that I think I added too much ice because it tasted like I had really watered it down.  To help add some more flavor I threw in half a banana.  To not make that mistake again, I decided to go ahead and make tomorrow's shake tonight and just leave it in the fridge so it is nice and chilled.  Hoping for better results tomorrow.
One of my weaknesses in the past has been every time that Miss Thang would want a snack (which is non-stop right now) I would snack with her.  I did it without even thinking about it.  I have really tried to rein that in, and since I couldn't eat what she was snacking on during the cleanse, I have kind of broken that habit.  I don't feel quite as tempted to steal a fruit snack or chip every time she eats one.
I did try a new recipe tonight and it wasn't too bad, although I would have liked for it to be a little spicier.  I got the idea from something a friend in my Bible study group had cooked one night.  I didn't have the recipe so I just made it up as I went to try and be as close as possible.  It was a potato dish with  jalapenos and onions (see below for recipe).  We also had some hot dogs (I splurged for Hebrew National) and corn.
Tomorrow is the halfway point of my challenge, I haven't been weighing yet just so that I am not bogged down by little fluctuations every single day.  I will probably weigh in after I do the Max Phase for a couple of days (Remember, the Cleanse Phase is not necessarily designed for weight loss, it is just to help get your body ready for the Max Phase).  I have been feeling good though, and can tell a difference in my energy level from the Spark drink.

Jalapeno and Onion Potatoes

8-10 potatoes (I used red)
1 medium onion
3-4 jalapenos
4 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste (I used my lite salt)

Slice up potatoes, jalapenos (with or without seeds depending on how spicy you want it), and onion and layer in an 9x13 baking pan.  Pour olive oil on top and season.  Bake at 400 for about an hour.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 10

Final day of the cleanse phase!!!!  Made it through my first 10 days and aside from a few blips (especially on my weekend of travel), I have managed to stay on track.  I am excited to move into the Max Phase and have a little more freedom in the food department...especially cheese, I miss cheese ; ).  I didn't have any issues throughout my cleanse, gentle and uneventful just like they say.  Over the last 10 days I haven't been worrying too much about tracking foods on my phone app.  However, now that I am able to have a little more flexibility, I know that I must keep myself accountable.   This is a lifestyle change...not just a fad diet.
I have definitely learned quite a bit about the quality of calories I have been eating.  I feel so much fuller for longer eating a bowl of fruit or some almonds than I would eating a 100 calorie pack of some processed thing.  I have also learned that it is important to eat a good variety of foods (proteins, fruits, veggies, and some complex carbs).  I know that is probably pretty basic info, but I always struggle in the veggie department.  I love fruit and all carbs (even bad ones unfortunately)  and grew up on a cattle ranch so definitely don't have problems getting protein, but I could take or leave vegetables.  That has been one of my big goals each day is to get plenty of veggies.  I have tried to get creative with those and make myself eat all of those on my plate (kinda like when mom won't let you leave the table until you finish your brocolli).
"Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7 NIV.  It is amazing how no matter what temptations you face in your life, this verse always applies.  Many people know the last part of that verse (the part with resist the devil), however they skip over the first sentence. We must be submitted first completely to God in order to truly be able to resist the devil.  We cannot expect to be able to resist the every temptation that comes our way under only our own power.  We must put our trust in and depend on God to give us strength when it just doesn't seem to be there.  I have really made a point to pray every step on this journey, even before starting the 24 day challenge.  As weird as it may seem for someone to pray through a weight loss journey, I feel it is essential.  Really, there are not any situations in my life that I do not pray about.  It goes back to one of the first things I had written about with our body being a temple.  In ancient times, temples were very precious and considered holy places.  The fact that that terminology is used tells me that it is important how we treat and take care of our physical bodies.
Tomorrow I will start taking my MNS Max C (Multi-nutrient supplement with Maximum appetite control).  Looking forward to this next phase of my challenge.  Before starting the challenge I had been stuck at a plateau for about 2 months.  As of day 5, I was down 3.2 lbs which is definitely a breakthrough for me.  I am really hoping that breaking that plateau will help propel me to lose the last 15-20 lbs that I need to lose to get back where I was in college!

Monday, July 8, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 9

After having a weekend away from home, I was back in my controlled environment again today.  It definitely made it much easier to stay within the challenge guidelines ; ).  I did really good all day, and have actually found that I am less hungry lately.  I think that is due in part to the supplements I take in the challenge (fiber drink, omega-plex, spark, probiotic restore, and catalyst) , and part to the fact I am eating less empty calories so I stay full longer.  Amazing how that works out ; ).
I love the radio ministry of Dr. Randy Carlson called Intentional Living.  His ministry is focused around living an intentional life and doing things on purpose.  He talks about everything from money management to marriage and even weight loss and health.  I was listening to a program online today about money management (click here to listen for yourself).  He was talking about the ways we use money and how everything we own comes from God.  He mentioned the verse that talks about the borrower being slave to the lender ("The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender." Proverbs 22:7 NIV).  It donned on me that this applies not only to finances but also to some of the weight issues so many of us deal with.  If you don't make and stick to commitments in weight loss, you will forever be a slave to that extra 20 pounds.
 I made some baked sweet potato fries at lunch and they turned out good.  I sliced up a sweet potato, threw it in a bag with a little olive oil and seasoning, and baked them in the oven.  I have become a big time sweet potato fan, all I ever use to know about sweet potatoes was the nasty canned ones that we would have at Thanksgiving.  For supper I cooked up a little lean steak, steamed mixed veggies, and Baked Herb and Parmesan Potatoes (see below for the recipe).  I think the hubby has been impressed with several of the recipes I have tried so far, there weren't any leftovers to speak of anyways ; ).
Tomorrow is officially the last day of the cleanse phase (that means only one more fiber drink...yay!).  I am looking forward to starting the next phase and really getting the weight loss ball rolling!

Baked Herb and Parmesan Potatoes

4 red potatoes
1/4 tsp of each garlic powder, onion powder, dried oregano, dried thyme, pepper, and dried rosemary
2 tbsp olive oil
grated parmesan cheese

Slice potatoes really thin. In a ziploc bag mix all seasonings, olive oil and potatoes.  Lay evenly on baking sheet and sprinkle with grated parmesan to taste.  Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes.

We enjoyed this recipe, however, I think when I make it again I will add sliced onions and maybe leave out the rosemary (I'm not a big fan of the taste of rosemary)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

24 Day Challenge - Days 5, 6, 7, and 8

It has been a few days since I last had a chance to update my blog, so I guess I will play a little bit of catch-up on my progress.  When I started this challenge I decided I would not weigh myself every day because I would go nuts if I did that, so I decided I would only weigh every 5 days.  July 4th was day 5 of my challenge so I weighed first thing in the morning and got a pretty pleasant surprise.  The first 10 days of the challenge are not necessarily designed for weight loss, although many people do lose weight.  It is designed to get the "junk" out of your system to get you ready for the Max Phase which is the next 14 days (where the weight loss is suppose to really kick in).  However, after just 4 whole days on the challenge, I was down a surprising 3.2 pounds!!!  That was huge for me because the last 2 months I have been stuck at right around the same weight.  I am super excited!
Now the last several days have been a little more challenging because of the holiday weekend.  On the 4th we went to a BBQ and I was able to stick to the guidelines pretty good (I think the big loss at my morning weigh in really helped me say no to the cookies).  However, the next couple of days were a little more difficult.  I had a bridal shower at my parents' house, which is about 6 hours from where I live, which meant we would be traveling and not as much in control of my food options.  I found myself using my smartphone to research menu options for the different restaurants we wound up eating at, I also brought several snacks with me to curb the temptations.  I did pretty well for the most part (even resisted the urge to indulge in cake at the shower).  I definitely ate a few things that were not necessarily the best options (such as the half a hot dog I had Saturday night ; ) but for the most part I was able to pass on the chocolates, chips, and cokes.
Aside from the few little blips on the food radar over the weekend, I did well and had a lot of fun.  And Miss Thang absolutely loved the fireworks on the 4th ; ) I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 4

When I started this challenge I really thought that I would have to eat cardboard every single day and I would just be waiting for it to be over.  However, I have been pretty surprised at the variety of foods that I have found.  I have also been surprised to find out the massive amount of sodium in many of the "convenience" foods many people consume every single day (especially me when I am in a rush during the school year).  It is small wonder that we blow up like balloons with the amount of salt in our foods.
I messed up a little bit today at lunch by cooking and eating something before really reading the label.  I had picked up a package of frozen brown rice with some vegetables.  It was one of those packages that you just throw in the microwave and it steams in the bag.  I had thought that it would be a good meal for the cleanse since both brown rice as well as veggies are allowed.  As I was eating it during lunch, I thought to myself that it really seemed to be strongly seasoned, so I looked a little closer at the label and was bummed to see it had added sugar and the sodium content was super high.  Oh well, I had already eaten most of it so rather than beat myself up I just made the decision to double check labels a little closer, even if it appears to be healthy.  Other than that little blip on the radar, I did pretty good.  
I shook it up today and tried something that I had never tried before....I made some taco soup tonight with ground venison rather than ground beef and it turned out pretty good.  Believe it or not, it was even venison from a deer that I had shot while hunting with the hubby.   I was a pioneer woman tonight ; ).  I typically make the soup from canned vegetables and beans but tonight I made it a little different to cut down on the extra sodium.  I found something pretty handy in the freezer section when I was grocery shopping the other day.  Birds eye makes packages called "Recipe Ready" that are simply pre-sliced veggies in different varieties.  I got the one called "Southwest Blend" and it has corn, black beans, peppers, and onions.  Rather than using the canned stuff I used this and it actually turned out great.  It was probably even quicker than using cans because I only had to open one package rather than 5 or six cans ; ).  I did add one can of Rotel, but would have used fresh tomatoes and green chilies if I would have thought about it when I was grocery shopping.  Along with the soup I took some of my whole grain tortillas, cut them into strips, and baked them at 350 for about 15 minutes to use as tortilla chips (see picture above).
If nothing else, because of my resolve to really do good on this challenge, I am learning a ton about the foods I cook.  I wish there was more of a push in education to teach students these things.  I learned next to nothing about nutrition when I was in school, there wasn't even a home economics class offered in my high school.  Don't get me wrong, I don't blame teachers or schools for the obesity of America (I am a teacher after all).  What I do believe is that sometimes we miss out on valuable life long lessons in the race to beat every other country in the world on our test scores.  Ok, I will get off my soapbox for the night, If you are interested I have put my recipe below.  Have a blessed Independence Day tomorrow!!! Stay safe!

Taco Soup

1 lb lean ground meat, browned (I used venison but beef or turkey would work also)
1 Package Birds Eye Recipe Ready Southwest Blend (In the freezer section)
2-3 cups of water (more if you want it soupy, less if you want it like a chili)
1 can Rotel
1/2 package low sodium taco seasoning

Bring water, Rotel, seasoning, and vegetables to a boil.  Add browned meat and return to a boil.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 3

Well 3 days have gone by and doing pretty good so far.  I am definitely learning to shift my outlook when it comes to the foods I prepare and eat.  It is really nice that I am on summer break as I do this challenge, as I am home all day and able to think ahead for meals.  The only bad part about it is, that as soon as I start cooking, Miss MacKenzi all the sudden thinks that she cannot be happy if I am not holding her.  I guess I am getting an arm workout in ; ).
Before supper tonight I took Miss Thang for a walk to the church (about a mile from our house) so she could swing, and on the way home I passed the school sign.  I have read it a million times on my walks and it hasn't changed since the start of summer but what it said hit me a little different today.  It says "Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking".  I love that definition and have used it a ton when talking to my students throughout the year.  Usually when I am talking about it we are talking about not cheating on a test, not stealing from a convenience store, or something like that.  However, today as I read that I felt the Lord convicting me about weight loss.  And yes, believe it or not, God can and will even use something from a public school to teach a lesson ; ).  I know many people, especially me, are way more apt to cheat on a diet when no one else is around.  For example, confession time, I know that if I was to make a plate of brownies and I am home alone with them, I will totally eat half the pan!  However, If I make a plate of brownies for company, I will have one small piece.  Come on now, I know I am not alone in this.  We are way better dieters when we are being watched.   Here is a news flash though....CALORIES STILL COUNT EVEN IF NO ONE SEES YOU STICK IT IN YOUR FACE!!!!  I know it isn't surprising, but I think it is a truth I needed to face today.
Making it through the 3rd day of the cleanse phase means that I get a break from the fiber drink for the next couple of days, which is nice.  Like I said in a previous post, it is manageable, but definitely not something I would order in a restaurant.  I still enjoy the energy drink and definitely feel an increased amount of energy after drinking it (and not one of those coffee jitters).  I opened up a cantalope today and it was really good, I love all different kinds of melons this time of year they are always delicious.  I also tried a couple of new recipes that weren't too bad (see below if you are interested).  I am very thankful for the internet and Pinterest during this challenge as I have been able to find some recipes to try.  I also discovered Mrs. Dash seasonings which are salt-free and pretty good.  I never realized until starting this how much of a salt addict I am, hopefully this process will help wean me off of some of the salt.  Hoping to do well on the upcoming holiday (4th of July) and not give in to the tempting desserts and greasy junk!

Garlic-Herb Chicken (super easy)

3 Tablespoons Olive oil
4-5 Boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins
Mrs. Dash Garlic-Herb Seasoning

Preheat skillet with olive oil. Add chicken and season both sides with Mrs. Dash.  Cook until Browned on both sides

Green Beans with Garlic and Onion

1 clove garlic (minced)
1/2 onion (chopped)
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 to 1 lb fresh green beans
3 tablespoons chicken broth

Preheat oil in pan. Add garlic, onion, and beans and cook about 10 minutes on medium heat.  Reduce heat to simmer for 5-10 minutes or until desired tenderness.   The original recipe called for 3-5 garlic cloves but it was pretty strong with only 1, depending on how much you like garlic ; )


Monday, July 1, 2013

24 Day Challenge...Day 2

I went grocery shopping today to stock up on a few things to use in some of the recipes I have found and got very frustrated as I searched nutrition labels to make better decisions.  I have figured out why we as a nation are overweight!  You ready for this....the culprit is located inside the grocery store.  And no, I don't blame the owners of the store, or even the manufacturers of the food, I blame the shoppers in the store.  This includes me (oh yeah I am definitely part of the problem).  We live in such a fast paced society that we demand fast and easy when it comes to our food items.  In order to be fast and easy, most food is processed and things like salt, sugar, and preservatives are added to it to help enhance flavor and extend shelf life.  Even the stuff labeled "fat-free" is often chocked full of sugar.  We as a society buy it by the ton, myself included.
When I get home from work during the school year I don't have long to cook supper before it is time to put MacKenzi in the bath and then bed.  I often turn to frozen pre-made items, boxed meals that I need only add meat, or pasta since it is fast.  Those things are full of sodium and other junk that is awful for you.  Now, I am not saying that those things don't have their place.  I just don't think that place is probably on our dinner table night after night.  Just like pizza or greasy fast food burgers shouldn't be an every night thing.  I am really hoping that this whole experience will give me some new tools to use when I go grocery shopping to make better, more informed choices.
So, my second day has gone pretty good.  The fiber drink went down a little harder just because I am not a huge fan of peach flavored drinks, fortunately I only have tomorrow then I get a break from it for a couple of days.  I had some eggs and watermelon (it is really in season right now...mmmm) for breakfast, raw almonds and frozen grapes for a snack, leftover chicken fajitas from last night for lunch, and found a recipe for sweet potato chips (which were delicious by the way) and made some T-Bone (only ate a little of it) and steamed peas to go with it.  I have been so glad that I haven't felt deprived at all (drinking tons of water all day helps with feeling full too).  
Every time I want to cheat the thought alway crosses my mind that I invested money to do this and I am not going to throw that out the window just for some momentary satisfaction.  I heard a good quote a while back and I am not sure who said it or exactly how it went, but it was something to the extent of "If you really want to take an interest it always helps to have a horse in the race." (I know I am a redneck at heart).  The lay man's translation would be if you really want to have some motivation it doesn't hurt if you have money invested, and for me so far that has seemed to help ; ).