
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Exciting News!

I have been keeping a little bit of a secret over the last couple of days, weeks, months, even a few years. I am about to reveal the secret! Drum roll please........I have officially published a book! This is a project I have been working on for a very long time a little at a time. However, when I officially became a stay-at-home mom last June (something I knew would be a temporary season), I made a hard goal to get it finished. Believe it or not, it has been done for several months but publishing takes time! I am so excited to finally be able to tell the world!

So here is a little background information, in 2009 I hit one of the hardest trials in my life up to that point when I found out I was about to be laid off from a job that I loved. It was absolutely devastating and I really struggled with the prospect of losing my job. I went through a period of really questioning my faith and dealing with depression and hopelessness like I had never experienced before. When the initial shock wore off, I started a journal writing down some of the issues I was working through. That journaling process is the very genesis of my new book Finding God in The Wilderness: Learning to Trust God During Times of Uncertainty. 
In the process of writing this book, I can honestly say that I learned more about the nature of God and about truly trusting in Him regardless of what is happening around me than I ever had before. Finding God in the Wilderness will take you on a journey from the wilderness to the promised land, in hopes of learning from the mistakes of the Israelites. When you find yourself in a wilderness season, it's extremely easy to do just what the Israelites did; grumble, complain, and want to run back to the familiar comfort of the chains you left. Despite your uncertainty and fears, the discomfort of the unknown may be exactly where God wants you to be. We must learn how to trust God in the wilderness.
I would be truly honored if you would check out my new book. If you are reading this blog you can get the book for 10% off here by entering discount code PZ6ZVSQ3 at checkout. If you would rather order from Amazon both paperback and Kindle versions are available here. If you do, please do me a favor and write a quick review and share it with your friends!
I hope and pray that the things that God has taught me through every experience and page within that book, will inspire you to also trust God no matter what you may be going through. 

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