Life was great. I loved my job and my coworkers, however the pressures of state testing wore on a mom with small children. At the end of that school year I was just looking around at different job opportunities (and if you are a teacher of a highly tested subject, don't lie you look too). I stumbled upon an Agricultural Science teacher job at a small school district much closer to where we lived. I jumped on the opportunity and was hired for the job. I am an Ag girl and was so excited to get to teach what I loved, and be able to teach a subject that kids weren't forced to learn. My husband and I were pretty excited. He would be starting his 2nd year in his job as industrial arts and I would get to teach Ag, both subjects we were passionate about. However, sometimes life takes unexpected turns. Two weeks after being hired for my new position, we were surprised (and incredibly blessed) to find out that we were going to be having a 3rd child. Its funny how we like to plan our lives out, but sometimes God just says "no, I have something else in mind". It was a huge shock and I was now tasked with the job of calling my new boss to let him know that I would been needing a bit of time off in the middle of the school year. He was very understanding, and in January of this year we were blessed with our 3rd beautiful little girl. Now I went back to work planning on staying in that position for the long haul. However, just like before, God had other plans. In the spring semester, Ag teachers do a lot of travelling. In the month of April, I was gone more weekends than I was home, it was a lot of fun, but it was tough for my husband and the girls. We also got to experience the high cost of having 3 kids in daycare. We planned on just enduring another year, however, our changes weren't over yet. My husband wound up getting a job for the next school year at the school in our town as Principal. What a blessing. However, this job change brought a change in thought for us. My travel with the FFA would be pretty difficult with his schedule as Principal at a different school. We also struggled to find someone who could watch all 3 girls. After about a month of trying to make it work this summer, we finally came to the decision that I would stay at home with the girls. Now I need to say, I have never even thought about being a stay at home mom. I like working and have always had a job, but we decided that this would be the best thing for our sanity, and for our girls. In the span of just over 2 years we have had 2 children, moved, had 2 job changes, and now I am not working outside the home. Talk about a whirlwind!
God is good. As I was out walking/jogging this morning after sending off my preschooler and principal, I was doing a lot of thinking and praying. This is the first time since I was 16 that I do not have a job. It is a weird thing for me, and I sometimes find myself being fearful. As I was out this morning I heard an awesome song called "Tomorrow" by Unspoken. It brought me such comfort to know that no matter what, God is the one in control. The chorus says:
Don't know what tomorrow holds
I'm learning how to let it go
Jesus, You are in control
Of my tomorrow, tomorrow
Come and take the fear away
'Til there's nothing left but faith
I know You will help me face
My tomorrow, tomorrow
What a perfect summary of what I have been experiencing over the last 2 years. I so often want to be in control and know what is going to happen tomorrow, but God is the one in control, not me. So, as I enter this next phase of life, I am going to learn to let it go and trust Him. God has taken me so far, I can't wait to see where I will be 2 years from now. If you get a chance, check out this awesome song from Unspoken and let me know what you have gone through that has taught you to trust Him for tomorrow.
I feel ya! It's weird not having a 'job'. Sending love and prayers to you in the transition :-)